Cultural Geography B Unit 1

Geography workshop

UNIT 1 LESSON 1 Quick Check

1. What does geography mean in a literal sense?

B - the study of the physical elements of the earth

2. _ is the perspective in geography that examines locations on the planet based on their human impact to the other objects around them.

A - The ecological perspective

3. _ is the perspective in geography that examines locations on the planet based on their relative location to objects.

B - The spatial perspective

4. In what way is geography an integrative science

A - Geography is an integrative science because it examines Earth in both physical and human terms

UNIT 1 LESSON 2 Quick Check

1. A relief map shows what kind of information about a location?

C - elevation (specifically the elevation about water level)

2. What is cartography?
B - the science of creating maps

3. What kind of map could you use to show information about a city?

E - all of the above
(it only lets you select one and selecting each answer wont work)


Quick Check

1. What is the difference between a cultural landscape and a physical landscape?

A - A cultural landscape is shaped by human activities, while a physical landscape is shaped by natural processes.

Quick Check

1. What is a cultural landscape?
D - the visible imprint of human activity on the landscape

A cultural landscape refers to the visible features and structures that have been created or modified by humans. This includes buildings, infrastructure, agricultural fields, and other human-made elements that shape and define a particular area.

To understand what a cultural landscape is, you can observe and analyze the physical characteristics of a place and look for signs of human influence. This can involve examining the architecture, land use patterns, monuments, and other cultural markers within a landscape.

2. What is the difference between a cultural region and a formal region?
B - A formal region has a defined boundary, while a cultural region is based on shared cultural characteristics.

A cultural region is a geographic area where people share a common cultural identity or way of life. This can include shared language, religion, customs, and traditions. Cultural regions are not necessarily defined by strict boundaries, as cultural characteristics may gradually change as you move from one area to another.

On the other hand, a formal region is a geographic area that has clear, well-defined boundaries based on a specific characteristic or set of characteristics. This can include political boundaries, economic regions, or physical features such as climate zones.

To distinguish between a cultural region and a formal region, you can identify the defining features of each area. Look for cultural similarities and shared characteristics within a cultural region, while a formal region will have specific boundaries based on its defining characteristic.

3. What is the difference between a cultural trait and a cultural complex?
C - A cultural trait is an individual element of culture, while a cultural complex is a combination of interrelated traits.

A cultural trait refers to a single element or characteristic of a culture. This can include things like language, clothing styles, food preferences, or social norms. Cultural traits are the building blocks of culture, representing individual aspects that contribute to the overall identity of a group of people.

On the other hand, a cultural complex is a combination of interrelated cultural traits that are commonly found together. For example, the cultural complex of Thanksgiving in the United States includes traits like turkey, pumpkin pie, family gatherings, and expressing gratitude. These traits are interconnected and often coexist within a specific cultural context.

To understand the difference between a cultural trait and a cultural complex, you can consider the individual elements of a culture and how they relate to one another. Cultural traits are the individual pieces, while a cultural complex involves the combination and interdependence of multiple traits.

Quick Check

1. What is a region in geography?

A - a geographic area defined by shared characteristics or features

2. What is the difference between absolute and relative location?

A - Absolute location refers to the exact coordinates or address of a place, while relative location describes the location of a place in relation to other places.

3. What is a physical feature in geography?

B - a natural characteristic of the Earth's surface, such as mountains, rivers, or forests

4. How does human interaction with the physical environment shape cultural geography?

D - Human interaction with the physical environment influences the way people live, their customs, and their relationship to the land.

Please note that the answers provided are based on the given options and may vary based on specific content or context.