On this map of India 1 cm 50 km 50 kg use this scale to answer questions 133 question TER REEHA UTE to Indianapolis to Bloomington measures 3 cm on the map what is the actual distance

The actual distance is 3 cm x 50 km = 150 km

To find the actual distance between Terre Haute and Indianapolis to Bloomington given the scale of 1 cm = 50 km, we need to use the ratio of the map scale.

First, calculate the distance on the map using the given scale of 1 cm = 50 km. Since the distance on the map measures 3 cm, multiply it by the scale factor:

Distance on the map = 3 cm * 50 km/cm = 150 km

Therefore, according to the map, the distance between Terre Haute and Indianapolis to Bloomington is 150 km.

According to the given information, 1 cm on the map represents 50 km. So, if 3 cm on the map represent the distance from Terre Haute to Indianapolis to Bloomington, we can calculate the actual distance using the scale.

Actual distance = Scale factor x Map distance
Actual distance = 50 km/cm x 3 cm
Actual distance = 150 km

Therefore, the actual distance from Terre Haute to Indianapolis to Bloomington measures 150 km.