In the context of the text, what makes a family? How does Chris’ family support him throughout the text? What are some of the experiences you have had where the support of family and friends made a significant difference? How important is it to have the support of family and friends? Cite evidence from the text, your own experience and other media and literature to support your answer.

To determine what makes a family in the context of the text, we can start by analyzing the relationships and support networks depicted throughout the story. Look for instances where characters demonstrate care, trust, and provide assistance to one another. For example, consider how Chris' family supports him and the impact it has on him throughout the text.

To find evidence of Chris' family support, we can examine the interactions, conversations, and actions of his family members towards him. Look for moments where they offer encouragement, emotional support, or practical assistance. These instances could range from simple gestures like listening to his concerns and providing advice, to more significant actions such as helping him navigate challenges or pursuing his dreams.

To explore this topic further, it can be valuable to reflect on personal experiences where family and friends have made a significant difference. Think of situations where you have felt supported, encouraged, or helped by your loved ones. Recall specific instances where the presence and support of family and friends positively impacted your life, whether it was during difficult times or when pursuing your goals.

Additionally, supplement your answer by incorporating examples from other media or literature. Look for stories, movies, or even studies that highlight the importance of familial and friendship support in various contexts. Analyze how these sources emphasize the significance of having a strong support system.

Remember to cite specific evidence from the text, your own experiences, and any external sources you reference to provide a well-rounded answer supported by multiple perspectives. This approach will help you develop a comprehensive understanding of what makes a family, how family support influences individuals, and why having the support of family and friends is important.