Identify and give all the appropriate names for three different quadrilaterals or other geometric figures in this Navajo eye dazzler design

To identify and give names for the quadrilaterals or other geometric figures in a Navajo eye dazzler design, you will need to analyze the design and the shapes it consists of. Here is a step-by-step explanation of how you can approach this:

1. Examine the design: Take a close look at the Navajo eye dazzler design and identify any repeating shapes or patterns. Quadrilaterals are four-sided polygons, so look for shapes with four sides.

2. Analyze the shapes: Determine the characteristics of the shapes you find. Are the sides equal in length? Are the angles equal? This will help you classify them correctly.

3. Identify the figures: Based on your analysis, you can give appropriate names to the figures you find. Here are three possible examples:

- Rectangle: Look for shapes with four right angles (90 degrees) and opposite sides that are equal and parallel. These shapes can be named as rectangles.
- Squares: If you find shapes with four sides of equal length and four right angles, those are squares. Again, squares are a specific type of rectangle where all sides are equal in length.
- Trapezoids: If you see shapes with one pair of sides that are parallel while the other pair is not, you have trapezoids. Trapezoids have four sides but only one pair of parallel sides.

Remember, the names you give to the figures will depend on the specific characteristics of the shapes you find within the Navajo eye dazzler design.