Select the correct response from the drop-down menu.

Martin Luther wrote the 95 Theses in order to
protest corruption within the Catholic Church.
ask for forgiveness from the Catholic Church.
suggest that people did not need organized religion.
argue that good behavior instead of faith was the path to heaven.

The correct response is "protest corruption within the Catholic Church."

To arrive at this answer, you can utilize the process of elimination by considering the options provided and eliminating the incorrect possibilities based on your knowledge of history or by conducting further research.

Option 1: protest corruption within the Catholic Church.
This option aligns with historical knowledge of Martin Luther's actions. He wrote the 95 Theses as a cry against the corrupt practices he witnessed within the Catholic Church, such as the sale of indulgences.

Option 2: ask for forgiveness from the Catholic Church.
This option does not align with historical understanding. Martin Luther's intention was to challenge the practices of the Church, not to seek forgiveness from it.

Option 3: suggest that people did not need organized religion.
This option is also not accurate. While Martin Luther did advocate for reforms within the Church, he did not reject the idea of organized religion itself.

Option 4: argue that good behavior instead of faith was the path to heaven.
This option is not correct. Martin Luther emphasized the importance of faith in God's grace as the path to salvation, rather than relying solely on good behavior or works.

Therefore, the correct response is "protest corruption within the Catholic Church."