Use the Charles Graham image of workers in Pittsburgh to answer the question.

Which of the following products of the nineteenth century was NOT an effect of the type of production shown in the image?



organized labor

western expansion

To use the Charles Graham image of workers in Pittsburgh to answer the question, we need to analyze the image and its context to determine the effects of the type of production portrayed.

First, let's take a closer look at the image itself. The Charles Graham image of workers in Pittsburgh depicts a bustling industrial scene with numerous factory workers engaged in heavy manual labor. The image represents the mass production and industrialization that occurred during the nineteenth century.

Now, let's analyze each of the given options and see if they can be identified as effects of the type of production shown in the image:

A. Railways: Railways were a major development of the nineteenth century and played a crucial role in transporting goods and connecting various regions. Although the image does not directly showcase railways, it is plausible to assume that the increased production depicted in the image would have necessitated the expansion of transportation infrastructure like railways. Therefore, railways can be considered as a potential effect of the type of production shown in the image.

B. Skyscrapers: Skyscrapers, as we understand them today, emerged as a result of advances in construction techniques and the need for vertical expansion to accommodate growing populations in urban areas. While the image doesn't directly show the construction of skyscrapers, the increased industrialization and urbanization it represents may have contributed to the demand for skyscrapers. Therefore, skyscrapers can also be considered as a potential effect of the type of production shown in the image.

C. Organized labor: The image depicts a large number of workers engaged in manual labor, suggesting that there was a presence of organized labor to manage and coordinate their activities. This indicates that organized labor was an effect of the type of production shown in the image.

D. Western expansion: Western expansion refers to the movement of settlers and the extension of American territories towards the Western regions during the nineteenth century. While the image does not directly depict the process of western expansion, it primarily focuses on industrial production in Pittsburgh. Therefore, it is unlikely that western expansion can be identified as an effect of the type of production shown in the image.

Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that the product of the nineteenth century that was NOT an effect of the type of production shown in the image is:

D. Western expansion