Which of the following is associated with the New South’s Jim Crow system? Select the two correct answers.

decline of violent vigilante groups such as the Ku Klux Klan

poll taxes and literacy tests meant to disenfranchise black voters

reconciliation between former slaves and former slave owners

rejection of the “Lost Cause” myth by white Southerners

legal segregation based on the Supreme Court’s ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson

To determine which of the options are associated with the New South's Jim Crow system, we need to understand the historical context and characteristics of the Jim Crow era.

The Jim Crow system refers to a period of racial segregation and discrimination that existed in the Southern United States from the late 19th century to the mid-20th century. It was characterized by laws and practices that enforced racial segregation and denied rights to African Americans.

Let's examine each option:

A. Decline of violent vigilante groups such as the Ku Klux Klan: The Ku Klux Klan was a prominent white supremacist group during the Reconstruction era and well into the Jim Crow era. While the group experienced a decline in the early 20th century, it does not directly relate to the Jim Crow system.

B. Poll taxes and literacy tests meant to disenfranchise black voters: One of the primary goals of the Jim Crow system was to restrict African Americans' voting rights. Poll taxes and literacy tests were common methods used to disenfranchise black voters during this time, making option B correct.

C. Reconciliation between former slaves and former slave owners: This option does not directly relate to the Jim Crow system. The Jim Crow era was marked by continued racial inequality and segregation rather than reconciliation.

D. Rejection of the "Lost Cause" myth by white Southerners: The "Lost Cause" myth refers to a romanticized version of the Confederacy and the South's role in the American Civil War. While the myth's rejection may have had an impact on historical interpretation, it is not directly associated with the Jim Crow system.

E. Legal segregation based on the Supreme Court's ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson: Plessy v. Ferguson was a landmark Supreme Court case in 1896 that upheld the constitutionality of racial segregation under the "separate but equal" doctrine. This ruling reinforced the legal basis for segregation, making option E correct.

Thus, the correct answers are B (poll taxes and literacy tests meant to disenfranchise black voters) and E (legal segregation based on the Supreme Court's ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson).