Write a book with this description:

On everyone's eighteenth birthday, they wake up to a tattoo of what the first words their soulmate says to them will be. Leanna wakes up on her eighteenth birthday, only to find the words 'unfortunately, I have to kill you' tattooed on her ankle. After inexplicable events happen, Leanna is left with her soulmate. Except there is one major problem, he may or may not be a killer.

Title: "Soulmate Shenanigans: Love, Laughter, and a Killer Surprise"

Chapter 1: A Tattoo of Trouble
Leanna's eighteenth birthday starts off with a bang, or in her case, a fear-inducing tattoo. As she groggily pulls back her covers, she's greeted with the shocking words, 'unfortunately, I have to kill you,' etched onto her ankle. Talk about a rude awakening!

Chapter 2: An Uncertain Encounter
Intrigued and slightly terrified, Leanna embarks on a wild journey to uncover the truth about her mysterious soulmate. But as fate would have it, she is swept into a series of inexplicable events that lead her straight into the arms of the very person she feared.

Chapter 3: Love or Legends?
Leanna's soulmate, Ryder, is no ordinary guy. He's charming, captivating, and possibly linked to a dark past. As she tries to navigate her feelings, she wonders, can she truly trust the words inked on her ankle? Is Ryder the real killer, or is there more than meets the eye?

Chapter 4: Laughs Amidst Chaos
Amidst the chaos, humor becomes Leanna's saving grace. With every bizarre twist and turn, she relies on her quick wit and sarcastic humor to keep herself sane (or at least try). Join her in a series of hilarious mishaps, where jokes and giggles become her defense mechanism.

Chapter 5: Clueless but Caring
Leanna's friends embark on a quest to uncover the truth behind the tattoo and help her navigate the uncertainty of her relationship with Ryder. With their support, she navigates the treacherous waters of love, doubts, and the occasional homicidal tendencies.

Chapter 6: A Killer Game of Trust
As Leanna delves deeper into Ryder's past, secrets unravel, challenging everything she thought she knew. Can she learn to trust him, or is she putting her life in danger? Join them on a rollercoaster of emotions, where the line between love and fear becomes blurred.

Chapter 7: Unmasking the Truth
In a climactic finale, Leanna confronts the truth head-on. Will her soulmate turn out to be the reaper of love or the savior of hearts? The answers lie within, as she learns that sometimes soulmates come with unexpected surprises and that even darkness can find its light.

Epilogue: Love, Laughter, and a Twist
As the dust settles and the tattooed words become a distant memory, Leanna discovers that life is a crazy, unpredictable ride. Join her as she reflects on her journey, filled with laughter, love, and an unexpected twist that will leave you breathless.

"Soulmate Shenanigans" is a heartfelt and humorous tale that reminds us that love can be found in the most unexpected places, even if it comes with killer surprises along the way. So, fasten your seatbelts, keep your laughter at the ready, and embark on this whirlwind adventure of soulmates and suspense!

Title: "Inked Fates"

Chapter 1: Eighteenth Birthday

Leanna’s eighteenth birthday arrives with both anticipation and dread. In this world, everyone wakes up on this special day to discover a tattoo on their body revealing the first words their soulmate will utter to them. But Leanna's joy quickly turns to horror as the words "unfortunately, I have to kill you" materialize on her ankle, shattering her dreams of a perfect love.

Chapter 2: The Unthinkable Revelation

Confused and terrified, Leanna tries to unravel the meaning behind her dark soulmate prophecy. As she seeks guidance from her supportive friends and researches the mystical traditions surrounding these tattoos, she learns that sometimes these messages can be metaphorical or symbolic. Still, how can she ignore the ominous nature of her destined encounter?

Chapter 3: Mysterious Encounters

Inexplicable events begin to plague Leanna's life. Strange coincidences, unexplained encounters, and a sense of being watched leave her on edge. As she delves deeper into the mystery, she realizes that these occurrences are not random but are somehow linked to her soulmate. Determined to uncover the truth, she starts to question everything she thought she knew about the world and herself.

Chapter 4: Meeting Her Soulmate

Against all odds, Leanna finally meets the person whose voice will utter those chilling words: Caleb. He appears ordinary, charming, and utterly captivating. Initially torn between fear and attraction, Leanna struggles to reconcile her fear of him with her undeniable pull towards him. Is he really capable of the darkness his words imply?

Chapter 5: A Risky Seduction

Caught in a whirlwind of emotions, Leanna takes a leap of faith and begins to form a connection with Caleb. As their relationship deepens, she discovers that he, too, carries a burden of his own. Their shared vulnerability and desire for truth bind them together, making their journey fraught with danger and uncertainty.

Chapter 6: Uncovering Secrets

With each revelation, Leanna's world crumbles further. The shadows of Caleb's past grow longer, revealing a web of secrets, deceit, and a complicated existence. As they dig deeper into the truth, Leanna uncovers hidden forces at work, threatening not only her life but also the lives of countless others. With no one to trust, she must rely on her own instincts to navigate the treacherous path ahead.

Chapter 7: The Final Confrontation

Leanna and Caleb's journey leads them to a climactic confrontation that will test their bond, their strength, and their resolve. In the face of adversity, they must make difficult choices and confront their fears head-on. Will their love be enough to overcome the darkness that surrounds them? And will Leanna survive the haunting words etched into her skin?

Chapter 8: A Twist of Fate

In the final chapter, Leanna uncovers a hidden truth that defies everything she believed about her soulmate's intentions. As the pieces of the puzzle fall into place, she realizes that her tattoo was more than just a warning; it was a catalyst for her own empowerment. In a surprising turn, the true nature of her connection with Caleb is revealed, leading to a resolution that transcends their expectations and challenges societal norms.

Epilogue: Inked Fates

Leanna emerges from her harrowing journey transformed, her belief in love and destiny forever changed. With the power of their shared experiences, Leanna and Caleb embark on a mission to redefine the legacy of the soulmate tattoo culture, offering hope to those who face fear and uncertainty in matters of the heart. Together, they work to expose the truth and rewrite the rules, proving that the power of love can conquer even the most daunting of challenges.