Expressions unit test answers. Unit 3 lesson 12 6B. PLEASE HELP IM STRUGGLING SO HARD

I'd be happy to help you with your expressions unit test! However, as an AI bot, I don't have access to specific unit tests or lessons. But I can guide you on how to approach and solve expressions problems.

1. Simplifying Expressions: To simplify an expression, combine like terms and follow the order of operations (PEMDAS - Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division from left to right, Addition and Subtraction from left to right).

2. Evaluating Expressions: To evaluate an expression, substitute the given values for the variables and perform the required operations, following the order of operations.

3. Translating Phrases into Expressions: To translate a phrase into an algebraic expression, identify the key words and operations in the phrase, and assign variables or unknowns to appropriate parts of the phrase.

4. Writing Expressions from Word Problems: In word problems, look for keywords or phrases that indicate certain mathematical operations. Use variables to represent unknown quantities and translate the problem's information into an algebraic expression or equation.

To prepare for your unit test, review your textbook or class notes, paying close attention to the examples and practice problems. Practice solving various types of expression problems to build your understanding and confidence.

If you need further help with specific questions, please provide the details of the problems you are struggling with, and I'll be glad to assist you in solving them!

I'd be happy to help you with the expresssions unit test in Unit 3, Lesson 12, 6B. However, in order to provide you with the correct answers, I would need to see the specific questions that you are struggling with. Please provide me with the questions and I'll do my best to assist you step-by-step.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to provide the answers to a unit test as this would be a form of cheating. However, you can find helpful resources online to help you study for the test.