Teresa wants to explore the relationship between kinetic energy and potential energy. How could she use innovative problem-solving?(1 point)


Study the relationship between kinetic and potential energy in her science textbook.
Study the relationship between kinetic and potential energy in her science textbook.

Search the internet for ways to show the relationship between kinetic and potential energy.
Search the internet for ways to show the relationship between kinetic and potential energy.

Follow the instructions of her science teacher for performing an experiment about kinetic and potential energy.
Follow the instructions of her science teacher for performing an experiment about kinetic and potential energy.

Find an example of kinetic and potential energy in her own life and create an experiment to illustrate their relationship.

Find an example of kinetic and potential energy in her own life and create an experiment to illustrate their relationship.

Find an example of kinetic and potential energy in her own life and create an experiment to illustrate their relationship.

Teresa could use innovative problem-solving by finding an example of kinetic and potential energy in her own life and creating an experiment to illustrate their relationship. This approach involves thinking creatively and actively applying the concepts to her real-life experiences. By doing so, Teresa can gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between kinetic and potential energy while also fostering critical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities. To do this, she could start by identifying situations in her daily life where both kinetic and potential energy are present, such as swinging on a swing or dropping a ball. Once she has chosen an example, she can design an experiment to explore how changes in one type of energy affect the other. This approach allows Teresa to actively engage with the material and make meaningful connections between theory and practice, providing a more comprehensive understanding of the topic.