Micah's monthly salary is 16 500. If 9% is deducted for tax and 1% for UIF, how much does Micah receive each month?

Micah receives 14,735 each month.

tax = 0.10 *16500 = 1650

16500 - 1650 = 14,850

To find out how much Micah receives each month, we need to calculate the deductions first.

1. Deduction for tax:
- Tax deduction = (9/100) * Monthly salary
- Tax deduction = (9/100) * 16,500
- Tax deduction = 1,485

2. Deduction for UIF:
- UIF deduction = (1/100) * Monthly salary
- UIF deduction = (1/100) * 16,500
- UIF deduction = 165

Now, let's calculate the total deductions:
- Total deductions = Tax deduction + UIF deduction
- Total deductions = 1,485 + 165
- Total deductions = 1,650

Finally, to find out Micah's net salary, we need to subtract the total deductions from the monthly salary:
- Net salary = Monthly salary - Total deductions
- Net salary = 16,500 - 1,650
- Net salary = 14,850

Therefore, Micah receives R14,850 each month after all the deductions.

To calculate how much Micah receives each month after deductions, first we need to determine how much is deducted for tax and UIF.

Tax deduction:
Multiply Micah's monthly salary by the tax rate (9%): 16,500 * 0.09 = 1,485.

UIF deduction:
Multiply Micah's monthly salary by the UIF rate (1%): 16,500 * 0.01 = 165.

Next, subtract the tax and UIF deductions from Micah's monthly salary to find out how much he receives:

Salary after deductions = Monthly salary - Tax deduction - UIF deduction
Salary after deductions = 16,500 - 1,485 - 165
Salary after deductions = 14,850.

Therefore, Micah receives a total of 14,850 each month after tax and UIF deductions.