Why did Renaissance humanists think that people should study classical works?

People could improve their earthly lives.

People could gain knowledge that would lead to a revival of the Roman Empire.

Reading classical works would make religious traditions less important.

Reading classical works would deepen one's religious faith.

A. People could improve their earthly lives.

The correct answer is A. People could improve their earthly lives. Renaissance humanists believed that studying classical works from ancient Greece and Rome was important because it could help individuals improve their lives in the present world. They believed that learning from the wisdom, knowledge, and ideas of the ancient Greeks and Romans could contribute to personal growth and development, enhance critical thinking skills, and expand one's understanding of human nature, ethics, and society. Studying classical works was seen as a way to gain practical knowledge that could be applied to various aspects of life, such as politics, governance, arts, and sciences. By exploring and embracing the wisdom of the past, Renaissance humanists believed that individuals could lead more fulfilling and successful lives in the here and now.

The Renaissance humanists believed that people should study classical works primarily because they believed it would improve their earthly lives. This was option A.