This year, gasoline costs $4 per gallon. This is a 125% increase over the cost 3 years ago. Which expression can be used to determine the cost of gasoline three years ago?





Did you not think that $41.25 would be a ridiculous answer????

cost 3 years ago was 4 / 1.25 = $3.20

increase of 25% of 3.20 = 80 cents
new cost = 3.20 + .80 = $4.00

umm D is correct

idk what ur talking about

To determine the cost of gasoline three years ago, we can set up a proportion using the given information.

Let's say the cost of gasoline three years ago is represented by 'x'.

We know that the current cost of gasoline is $4 per gallon, which is a 125% increase over the cost three years ago.

To calculate the 125% increase, we need to add 125% of 'x' to 'x':

x + 125% of x

To express the 125% as a decimal, we divide it by 100:

x + 1.25x

Now, we can simplify the expression:


The expression 2.25x represents the current cost of gasoline. However, we want to find the cost three years ago, so we need to isolate 'x' by dividing both sides of the equation by 2.25:

2.25x / 2.25 = x

x = 1x

Therefore, the expression that can be used to determine the cost of gasoline three years ago is option B: $4 - 1.25.


