Consider marriage in this play. How does it seem to be different from marriage today, in your experience? Include evidence from the text AND evidence from your experience observing marriage norms.

use : the importance of being earnest text

In "The Importance of Being Earnest" by Oscar Wilde, marriage is portrayed in a satirical manner, highlighting hypocrisy and societal expectations surrounding it. To explore the differences between marriage in the play and marriage today, we can examine the text and draw insights from real-life observations of contemporary marriage norms.

In the play, marriage is depicted as an institution based on social status, wealth, and superficiality rather than genuine love and mutual affection. Characters like Lady Bracknell represent the rigid upper-class society's emphasis on maintaining appearances and adhering to strict conventions when it comes to choosing a suitable partner for marriage. For example, she consistently rejects the idea of allowing her daughter Gwendolen to marry Algernon because he lacks a prestigious family background, despite their love for each other. This highlights how marriage in the play is essentially a transactional agreement, often devoid of real emotional connection.

Additionally, the play portrays marriage as a means to acquire social respectability and financial stability. Characters like Jack and Algernon adopt alternative identities (Ernest) to appeal to their desired partners, adding a layer of deceptive practices for their own personal gain. Marriages are often arranged or driven by materialistic motivations, as seen with the relationship between Jack and Gwendolen's mother, who believes that a suitable marriage should be based on lineage and wealth rather than personal compatibility.

Comparing the play to real-life marriage norms, we can observe significant differences. In our modern society, marriage is typically based on more personal factors such as love, compatibility, shared values, and emotional connections. While societal expectations and financial considerations might still influence some marriages, the importance of these factors has diminished over time.

Today, couples generally have the freedom to choose their partners based on their own preferences and are less bound by social and familial pressures. Concepts like love, trust, and companionship have gained prominence in defining a successful marriage. Marriages are often seen as partnerships of equals, where both partners have a voice and take part in decision-making processes.

However, it is important to note that marriage norms can vary across cultures, religions, and personal beliefs. The observations mentioned above are general trends and may not be applicable to every individual or society.

To summarize, "The Importance of Being Earnest" portrays marriage as a shallow, often superficial institution driven by societal expectations and financial considerations. In contrast, contemporary marriage norms place greater emphasis on love, compatibility, and personal fulfillment. These differences highlight the evolving nature of marriage and our increasing emphasis on authentic emotional connections in relationships.