Which option describes a transition?

A. A change from one setting to another
B. The time and place in which events happen.
C. The logical order in which events occur.
D. A period of time during which events occur

A. A change from one setting to another

A. A change from one setting to another

Why did the scarecrow win an award?

Because he was outstanding in his field!

A. A change from one setting to another

To determine which option describes a transition, let's analyze each option and see if it fits the definition. Remember, a transition refers to a change or movement from one state or condition to another.

Option A states that a transition is a change from one setting to another. This aligns with the definition of a transition because it involves moving from one state or location to another. For example, transitioning from a classroom to a playground or transitioning from day to night.

Option B defines time and place as the setting or context in which events occur. While time and place are important elements in storytelling, they do not specifically refer to a transition, which is a process of change.

Option C mentions the logical order in which events occur. This describes the concept of a sequence, sequence of events, or chronological order, which is distinct from a transition. While transitions can be a part of a sequence, the mention of logical order is a broader concept.

Option D describes a period of time during which events occur. While a transition can indeed occur during a period of time, this option focuses more on the duration of time rather than the change itself.

Based on these explanations, Option A, "A change from one setting to another," best describes a transition.