Note: Enter your answer and show all the steps that you use to solve this problem in the space provided.

Image is a triangle with one side labeled as the 3 point 6 feet diameter of a semi-circle. The vertex opposite the semi-circle side is bi-sected by a horizontal line labeled 4 point 8 feet between the semi-circle diameter side and the opposing triangle.

Find the area of the irregular figure (use 3.14 for pi). Show your work. Round to the nearest tenth.

Area of semi-circle = (3.14)(3.6^2)/2 = 12.744 ft^2

Area of triangle = (1/2)(4.8)(3.6) = 8.64 ft^2

Total area = 12.744 + 8.64 = 21.384 ft^2

Rounded to the nearest tenth = 21.4 ft^2