To estimate the 102−−−√

, I would look at the perfect squares __ and __ and then choose __ as a good estimate.

101 and 103; 102
101 and 103; 102

100 and 121; 10.1
100 and 121; 10.1

81 and 100; 10.2
81 and 100; 10.2

121 and 144; 11.5
121 and 144; 11.5

To estimate the square root of 102, you can look at the perfect squares that are closest to 102. In this case, the perfect squares that are closest to 102 are 100 and 121.

Now, you want to choose a square root that falls between these two perfect squares. So, we can choose either the smaller square root, which is 10.1 or the larger square root, which is 10.2 as a good estimate.

Therefore, a good estimate for the square root of 102 would be 10.1 or 10.2.