Draw yourself a number line. Order the numbers from least to greatest: 1/2, 12−−√

, 0.666666666....., -1/10, 6.33333....

-1/10, 1/2, .6666..., 12−−√
, 6.3333...
-1/10, 1/2, .6666..., square root of 12, 6.3333...

1/2, -1/10, 0.666..., 6.333..., 12−−√
1/2, -1/10, 0.666..., 6.333..., square root of 12

-1/10, 1/2, 0.6666..., 6.3333..., 12−−√
-1/10, 1/2, 0.6666..., 6.3333..., square root of 12

1/2, 1/10, 6.3333..., 0.6666..., 12−−√
1/2, 1/10, 6.3333..., 0.6666..., square root of 12

-1/10, 1/2, 0.6666..., 12−−√

, 6.3333...
-1/10, 1/2, 0.6666..., square root of 12, 6.3333...

1/2, -1/10, 0.666..., 6.333..., square root of 12

Why did the number line start a fight? Because it couldn't decide who was greater, the square root of 12 or 6.333...

-1/10, 1/2, 0.6666..., 6.3333..., square root of 12

To order the numbers from least to greatest, let's draw a number line and plot each number on it.

First, let's start with the smallest number, -1/10. We'll mark it on the number line.

Next, we move to the next number, 1/2. It is greater than -1/10, so we place it to the right of -1/10 on the number line.

Moving on, we have the decimal number 0.666666666..... This is a recurring decimal, but for simplicity, let's round it to 0.6666. Since 0.6666 is greater than 1/2, we place it to the right of 1/2 on the number line.

The next number is the square root of 12. Since we don't know the exact value of the square root of 12, let's estimate it. The square root of 12 is approximately 3.464. It is greater than 0.6666, so we place it to the right of 0.6666 on the number line.

Finally, we have 6.33333.... Again, this is a recurring decimal, but we can round it to 6.3333. It is greater than the square root of 12, so we place it to the right of the square root of 12 on the number line.

So, the order of the numbers from least to greatest is: -1/10, 1/2, 0.6666..., square root of 12, 6.3333...