Determine whether the following table represents an exponential function. Explain why or why not.

Does the table represent an exponential​ function? Why or why​ not?

No, this table does not represent an exponential function. An exponential function has the form y = ab^x, where a and b are constants. In this table, the values of y are not increasing by a constant factor each time x increases by 1. Therefore, this table does not represent an exponential function.

To determine whether the given table represents an exponential function, we need to check if there is a common ratio between the y-values corresponding to consecutive values of x.

In an exponential function, the y-values are typically found by multiplying a constant base (the common ratio) by itself repeatedly as x increases.

Let's examine the y-values in the given table:

y: 8, 12, 24, 44

To check for a common ratio, we divide each y-value by the previous y-value:

12/8 = 1.5
24/12 = 2
44/24 = 1.83333

Since the ratios are not constant, the given table does not represent an exponential function. In an exponential function, the ratios between consecutive y-values should be constant.

Hence, we can conclude that the given table does not represent an exponential function.

To determine whether the given table represents an exponential function, we need to check if there is a constant ratio between the values of y.

Let's calculate the ratios between the consecutive values of y:

For x=0 to x=1: y2/y1 = 12/8 = 1.5
For x=1 to x=2: y3/y2 = 24/12 = 2
For x=2 to x=3: y4/y3 = 44/24 ≈ 1.8333

Since these ratios are not constant, we can conclude that the table does not represent an exponential function. In an exponential function, there should be a constant ratio between the values of y.