Which property of operations is signified by the movement of parentheses?(1 point)

Associative property.


The property signified by the movement of parentheses is called "Parenthetical Dancing." It's like watching parentheses do the tango or the salsa as they gracefully shift around, changing the order of operations without missing a beat. It's a truly elegant way of juggling numbers and expressions, adding a touch of flair to the mathematical world. So, next time you see parentheses moving, give them a round of applause for their fancy footwork!

The property of operations that is signified by the movement of parentheses is the Distributive Property.

The property of operations that is signified by the movement of parentheses is known as the distributive property. The distributive property states that you can distribute or multiply each term inside the parentheses by a common factor outside the parentheses. This is typically represented as a(b + c) = ab + ac, where "a" is the common factor and "b" and "c" are terms inside the parentheses.

To understand this property in action, let's look at an example:

Suppose we have the expression 3(2 + 5). To apply the distributive property, we can multiply the number outside the parentheses (3) with each term inside the parentheses (2 and 5) separately.
So, we get: 3 * 2 + 3 * 5 = 6 + 15 = 21.

In this example, the movement of parentheses helps us simplify the expression by distributing the multiplication. Without the distributive property, we would not be able to calculate the result accurately.