A man drove 180 kilometers in 6hours . How far would he travel in 8hour at the same rate.

He would travel 240 kilometers in 8 hours at the same rate.

To find out how far the man would travel in 8 hours at the same rate, we can use the formula: Distance = Rate × Time.

Given that the man drove 180 kilometers in 6 hours, we can calculate his rate as follows:

Rate = Distance / Time
Rate = 180 km / 6 hours
Rate = 30 km/hour

Now, we can use this rate to find out how far the man would travel in 8 hours:

Distance = Rate × Time
Distance = 30 km/hour × 8 hours
Distance = 240 kilometers

Therefore, the man would travel 240 kilometers in 8 hours at the same rate.

To determine how far the man would travel in 8 hours at the same rate, we need to find the distance he traveled per hour.

To find the distance per hour, we divide the total distance traveled by the total time taken:

Distance per hour = Total distance ÷ Total time

In this case, the total distance traveled is 180 kilometers, and the total time taken is 6 hours. Plugging these values into the formula, we get:

Distance per hour = 180 km ÷ 6 hours
Distance per hour = 30 km/hour

Therefore, the man traveled at a rate of 30 kilometers per hour.

To find the distance traveled in 8 hours at the same rate, we can multiply the distance per hour by the number of hours:

Distance traveled = Distance per hour × Time

Using the rate of 30 kilometers per hour and a time of 8 hours:

Distance traveled = 30 km/hour × 8 hours
Distance traveled = 240 kilometers

Therefore, the man would travel 240 kilometers in 8 hours at the same rate.