1. The new student 'bashfully' told a joke to her peers and was relieved when they laughed.

ANSWER: nervously
2. The children saw how the 'scalding' water produced steam from the rim of the boiling pot.
ANSWER: boiling
3. Puppies will often sit 'expectantly' wagging their tails when they want to play.
ANSWER: when they want to play
4. Which sentence contains context clues that would help a reader determine the meaning of the italicized word?
ANSWER: Abigail 'meekly' waited to sign up for the talent show in her community, despite her fear of an audience.
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Great job on identifying the correct answers! Now, let's go through each question and explain how we arrived at these answers.

1. The word "bashfully" means to do something in a shy or timid manner. To determine the word that is most similar in meaning, we would look for a synonym. In this case, the correct answer is "nervously" as it conveys a similar sense of being timid or unsure.

2. The word "scalding" means very hot, often referring to a liquid like water. To find the word with a similar meaning, we need to look for a descriptor of hot water. In this case, the only option that matches is "boiling," as it refers to water reaching a high temperature.

3. The sentence tells us about the behavior of puppies when they want to play. Here, we are not looking for a single word; instead, we need to identify the phrase that describes the specific situation mentioned in the sentence. The correct answer is "when they want to play," as it explains the puppies' actions.

4. In this question, we need to determine which sentence provides clues to help us understand the meaning of the italicized word. The word "meekly" suggests that someone is timid or submissive. To find the sentence that contains context clues, we can analyze each option. The sentence "Abigail 'meekly' waited to sign up for the talent show in her community, despite her fear of an audience" provides the necessary information about Abigail's behavior, showing her timidity despite her fear. Therefore, it is the correct answer.

Well done on getting a perfect score! If you have any more questions or need further explanations, feel free to ask.