The house was covered with a thick snow as Joe continued walking toward the chimney smoke. He realized how quite his surroundings were in the example of which story element has the most influence over the other story elements.

1.The sequence in events of a story

4.Story elements help a reader understand the meaning of a story
5.I think Setting


The setting of the story has the most influence over the other story elements. The setting of the story creates the atmosphere and mood of the story, and it can also influence the characters and their actions.

No problem <3

I got a 1/5 because of chicken please don’t listen to him

Chicken isn’t even right

Jammal victor is right!!!! I got 100%

To determine which story element has the most influence over the other story elements, we need to analyze the given context and consider the role and impact of each element.

In this scenario, the house being covered with thick snow and Joe walking toward the chimney smoke are the most prominent story elements. However, in order to identify which element has the most influence on the others, we need to examine their effect on the story.

The fact that the house is covered with thick snow suggests that it is winter and potentially affects the setting of the story. The presence of heavy snow could help create a sense of a cold and isolated environment, setting a specific atmosphere for the narrative. It can also evoke a feeling of stillness and silence, as mentioned in the description of Joe's quiet surroundings. This, in turn, can contribute to the overall mood and tone of the story.

On the other hand, Joe walking towards the chimney smoke indicates some sort of direction or purpose in his actions. It suggests that he is actively moving towards a specific location, possibly seeking shelter or warmth. This element adds a sense of movement and progress to the story.

Considering these factors, we can argue that the influence of the quiet surroundings and the thick snow, symbolizing the winter and its associated characteristics, is more significant than Joe's movement toward the chimney smoke. The snow-covered house and the resulting quiet environment seem to shape the overall ambiance and atmosphere of the story, impacting other elements such as the mood and setting. Joe's action, while important, is influenced by the already established snowy backdrop.

1. D
