Spend 5-10 minutes looking at the stories in a newspaper or on a news website. Find three stories that look at the same topic but in different ways. In which sections did these stories appear? How do these stories examine the topic differently?

To find three stories on the same topic but examined differently, you can follow these steps:

1. Choose a newspaper or news website: Select a reliable and reputable news source that covers a wide range of topics.

2. Navigate to the main page: Access the homepage of the chosen news outlet.

3. Identify the sections: Observe the website's navigation menu or the sections displayed on the main page. Typically, news websites have categories like "Politics," "Business," "Entertainment," "Sports," "Technology," etc.

4. Locate relevant sections: Look for sections related to your chosen topic. For instance, if you are interested in climate change, you might find relevant articles in sections like "Environment," "Science," or "Politics."

5. Browse stories within sections: Explore the stories in the selected sections. Take note of headlines and summaries to identify ones that appear to discuss the same topic but from different perspectives.

6. Analyze the stories: Once you have selected three stories that tackle the same topic, read each one carefully. Note the key points and approaches used in each article.

7. Examine the differences: Consider the following aspects to understand how the stories examine the topic differently:
- Angle or viewpoint: Determine if the stories present contrasting viewpoints or angles on the subject.
- Tone or bias: Assess if the articles have different tones or potential biases that might influence their interpretation.
- Sources and evidence: Examine the sources used in each story to see if they are similar or different. Additionally, evaluate the evidence or supporting information provided in each article.

8. Identify the sections: Note the sections where you found each of the three stories. This information will give you an understanding of how different sections of the newspaper or news website approach the same topic.

By following these steps, you should be able to find three stories on the same topic but examined differently and determine which sections they appeared in.