Which form of transportation made moving soldiers to battle smoother during the Civil War than in the past?(1 point)




ironclad ships
ironclad ships


The correct answer is ironclad ships.

During the Civil War, ironclad ships played a significant role in making the transportation of soldiers to battle smoother than in the past. To determine this, we can analyze the options provided:

1. Ports: While ports are a crucial component of transportation, they do not directly affect the smoothness of moving soldiers to battle.

2. Submarine: Submarines were not widely used during the Civil War and did not have a significant impact on transporting soldiers.

3. Ironclad ships: Ironclad ships were revolutionary during the Civil War. These vessels were armored with iron plates, making them nearly invulnerable to traditional naval warfare methods. Their introduction provided a much safer means of transporting soldiers to battle, reducing casualties due to enemy fire.

4. Steamboat: Steamboats were prevalent during the time, but they did not offer the same level of protection and safety as ironclad ships.

Therefore, the correct answer is ironclad ships, as they greatly improved the efficiency and safety of moving soldiers to battle during the Civil War.

The correct answer is ironclad ships. Ironclad ships were used during the Civil War and made moving soldiers to battle smoother than in the past.
