Which of the following scenarios would result in a rotating motion rather than a translational motion of the tire?

A rotating motion occurs when an object moves around an axis or center point, while a translational motion involves movement along a straight line.

In the context of a tire, there are several scenarios in which it would exhibit a rotating motion rather than a translational motion:

1. A car tire rolling down the road: As a car moves forward, the tires maintain contact with the road surface and rotate around their central axes, enabling the vehicle to move in a straight line.

2. A bicycle tire as the rider pedals: When a cyclist pedals a bicycle, the tires rotate around their central axes, propelling the bike forward.

3. A carnival Ferris wheel in operation: The Ferris wheel consists of multiple rotating sections, including the main wheel and individual passenger cars. As the wheel turns, the cars rotate around their own axes while also moving in a circular path.

4. A spinning top: When a spinning top is set in motion, it rotates around a fixed central point or axis, exhibiting a purely rotational motion.

5. A rotating carousel at a playground: As the carousel spins, the horses or seats mounted on it rotate around their central axes, allowing children to experience a circular motion.

In all of these scenarios, the tire or object exhibits a rotating motion, usually around a central axis, rather than a translational motion along a straight line.

To determine whether a scenario results in a rotating or translational motion of a tire, we need to consider the forces and torques acting on it.

1. A car driving in a straight line: In this scenario, the tire experiences a force acting in the forward direction along its axis, which causes translational motion of the car and also rotational motion of the tire.

2. A stationary car with the tires spinning on ice: In this case, the tire experiences a torque from the spinning force exerted on it. Due to the lack of friction between the tire and the ice, there is no translational motion, only rotation.

3. A car turning a corner: When a car turns a corner, the tire experiences both a force acting in the forward direction (causing translational motion) and a torque due to the sideways force exerted on it. This torque leads to the tire rotating around its axis as the car makes the turn.

Therefore, the scenario that would result in purely rotating motion rather than translational motion of the tire is option 2: a stationary car with the tires spinning on ice. This lack of friction prevents any translational motion, allowing only rotation.