Why would a person feel cooler wearing a white shirt rather than a black shirt on a sunny day?(1 point)

A white shirt reflects more sunlight than a black shirt, which helps to keep the person wearing it cooler.

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Why would a person feel cooler wearing a white shirt rather than a black shirt on a sunny day? (1 point)

Light would be mostly absorbed or reflected rather than transmitted.
Light would be mostly absorbed or reflected rather than transmitted.

Light would be mostly transmitted rather than absorbed or reflected.
Light would be mostly transmitted rather than absorbed or reflected.

Light would be mostly absorbed or transmitted rather than reflected.
Light would be mostly absorbed or transmitted rather than reflected.

Light would be mostly reflected rather than absorbed or transmitted.

Light would be mostly reflected rather than absorbed or transmitted.

A person would feel cooler wearing a white shirt rather than a black shirt on a sunny day due to the difference in their ability to reflect or absorb sunlight. Here's how you can understand the concept:

1. Color and Light: Color is determined by the wavelengths of light that an object reflects or absorbs. Sunlight consists of different wavelengths, including visible light.

2. Reflection: A white shirt appears white because it reflects most of the wavelengths of light, including those that we perceive as colors. It reflects a significant amount of visible light, including the short-wavelength UV light that can be harmful to our skin.

3. Absorption: In contrast, a black shirt appears black because it absorbs most of the light wavelengths, including visible light. It absorbs more light and converts it into heat energy.

4. Heat Transfer: When sunlight falls on a shirt, its energy is absorbed by the fabric. In the case of a white shirt, most of the light is reflected back, preventing excessive absorption of energy. This makes the shirt less prone to heating up, resulting in the person feeling cooler.

5. Radiative Cooling: The difference in heat absorption leads to a difference in heat dissipation. Darker colors can radiate or release heat less effectively than lighter colors. As a result, a white shirt allows for better radiative cooling by reflecting more heat back to the environment.

Therefore, on a sunny day, wearing a white shirt helps reflect more sunlight and heat, allowing the body to maintain a cooler temperature compared to a black shirt, which absorbs and retains more heat.