As a class prefect of your school Write a speech to be delivered at the school P T A meeting on 28 January 2023 at 2pm on three challenge your class is facing

Good afternoon everyone. I am honored to be here today as the class prefect of my school.

I am here to discuss the three challenges my class is currently facing. The first challenge is the lack of resources. Our class is in need of more textbooks, computers, and other materials to help us learn. We are also in need of more teachers to help us with our studies.

The second challenge is the lack of motivation. Many of my classmates are not motivated to do their best in school. They need more encouragement and support from their teachers and parents.

The third challenge is the lack of communication between the students and the teachers. We need more opportunities to discuss our ideas and concerns with our teachers. This would help us to better understand the material and to feel more connected to our teachers.

I hope that by addressing these challenges, we can create a better learning environment for our class. Thank you for your time and attention.