If you are running away as a kid and you could only carry a backpack full of stuff with you, what would you pack?

If you are a kid running away and can only carry a backpack, it's important to pack useful items that will help you during your journey. Here are some suggestions on what to pack:

1. Food and Water: Carry non-perishable snacks like granola bars, nuts, and dried fruits. Also, pack a water bottle or a way to purify water, such as water purification tablets or a portable water filter.

2. First Aid Kit: Include basic medical supplies like band-aids, antiseptic wipes, gauze, and any necessary medication you might need.

3. Clothing: Pack lightweight and weather-appropriate clothes like t-shirts, pants, socks, and underwear. Consider layers that can be added or removed depending on the temperature.

4. Shelter: Include a compact sleeping bag or a lightweight blanket to provide warmth at night. You might also want to carry a small tent or a tarp to protect yourself from the elements.

5. Personal Hygiene Items: Bring travel-sized toiletries like toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, and hand sanitizer to maintain cleanliness and hygiene on your journey.

6. Money and Identification: Keep a small amount of money in case of emergencies, along with a photocopy of important documents like your ID card or passport.

7. Communication: Carry a fully charged cell phone and a portable charger to use in case of emergencies. Make sure to let a trusted adult know where you are and that you are safe.

8. Navigation and Safety: Pack a small compass, a map of the area, a flashlight, and some extra batteries. Consider carrying a whistle to attract attention if needed.

Remember, running away is a serious decision, and it's important to reach out to a trusted adult for help in difficult situations.