Which of the following choices to find the theme of a narrative or novel the message or underlying meaning about life that the author wants the reader to infer

The message or underlying meaning about life that the author wants the reader to infer.

To find the theme of a narrative or novel, you need to identify the message or underlying meaning about life that the author wants the reader to infer. Here are some steps you can follow:

1. Read the narrative or novel carefully: Start by reading the entire narrative or novel to familiarize yourself with the story and its different elements.

2. Identify the main characters: Determine who the main characters are and what their roles are in the story. This will help you understand the events and conflicts that occur throughout the narrative.

3. Analyze the plot: Examine the different events, conflicts, and resolutions within the story. Look for patterns or recurring ideas that may convey a deeper message about life.

4. Consider the setting: Take note of the time period, location, and social context of the narrative. Sometimes, the theme can be influenced by these factors.

5. Look for symbols and motifs: Pay attention to any recurring symbols or motifs throughout the story. These can often provide clues about the theme.

6. Evaluate character development: Analyze how the characters change or grow throughout the narrative. Their personal journeys can often reveal insights about the author's intended theme.

7. Consider the author's style and tone: Examine the writing style and tone used by the author. This can give you additional insights into the intended message.

8. Reflect on your own interpretation: Finally, reflect on your own understanding of the story and the ideas that stood out to you. Consider what the author might be trying to convey about life.

By following these steps, you should be able to find the theme of a narrative or novel by identifying the message or underlying meaning about life that the author wants the reader to infer.