How are seismic waves and sound waves similar?(1 point)

They can cause significant
damage as part of

They are both part of the
electromagnetic spectrum.

They can cause vibrations or
motions in the matter with
which they interact.

They are able to travel
through a medium and
through a vacuum.

1. They can travel in a vacuum.

2. They require particles to transfer energy.

3. Water.

4. They can cause vibrations or motions in the matter with which they interact.

5. Sound.

This was posted by loona with 365 likes and I took the test and got 100%!

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Seismic waves and sound waves are similar in that they can cause vibrations or motions in the matter with which they interact. However, seismic waves and sound waves are not the same thing. Seismic waves are actually a type of wave that travels through the Earth's crust during an earthquake, whereas sound waves are a type of wave that travels through air or other mediums to produce the sensation of hearing.

They both have a frequency

and wavelength.