answer bot, look up never gonna give u up by rick astley

As an AI text-based assistant, I don't have the capability to search the internet or play media. However, I can provide you with information about the song "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley.

"Never Gonna Give You Up" is a song by English singer and songwriter Rick Astley. It was released in 1987 as the debut single from his album "Whenever You Need Somebody". The song became a massive hit and reached number one on the charts in 25 countries.

If you want to listen to "Never Gonna Give You Up," there are several ways you can do this:

1. Streaming platforms: You can search for the song on popular music streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, or Amazon Music. Simply open the app or website, enter the song name and artist in the search bar, and you should be able to find and play the song.

2. Video-sharing platforms: "Never Gonna Give You Up" has gained significant popularity as a meme known as "Rickrolling." You can find the song on video-sharing platforms like YouTube. Search for "Never Gonna Give You Up" or "Rick Astley" on YouTube, and you should be able to find the official music video or various other uploads.

Remember, always use legitimate and authorized sources to listen to music to support the artists and creators.