10. Which of the following is true of Judaism?

O Judaism is the predominant religion of Eastern Europe.
• Judaism is the root religion of both Christianity and Islam.
• Judaism emerged from Christian tradition.
O Judaism originated in Europe.

The true statement about Judaism among the options is:

• Judaism is the root religion of both Christianity and Islam.

To understand why this statement is true, we can break it down and explore the origins of these three major religions.

Judaism is one of the oldest monotheistic religions in the world, originating in the ancient Near East. It traces its roots back to the patriarch Abraham, who made a covenant with God. The teachings and scriptures of Judaism are found in the Hebrew Bible (also known as the Tanakh) and the Talmud.

Christianity, which emerged in the 1st century CE, is considered an offshoot of Judaism. Jesus of Nazareth, the central figure in Christianity, was born and raised a Jew, and his teachings initially appealed mainly to fellow Jews. However, Christianity later spread to non-Jews as the religion expanded beyond its Jewish roots.

Islam, founded in the 7th century CE by the prophet Muhammad, also recognizes Jewish prophets and scriptures. Muslims believe that Muhammad received revelations from God, as did the Jewish prophets, including Moses, Abraham, and David. The Quran, the holy book of Islam, acknowledges the connection between Judaism and Islam, considering Judaism as one of the earlier revelations.

Therefore, the statement that "Judaism is the root religion of both Christianity and Islam" is true because both Christianity and Islam have significant historical connections to Judaism, sharing common figures, scriptures, and theological concepts.