Read the text and answer the question.

The Berlin Conference of 1884–1885 was a part of the "Imperialism of Africa" that took place in the 1870s and 1880s. The conference was held to prevent conflict between European countries.

How did the Berlin Conference cause conflict and hardship throughout Africa?
The Europeans ignored existing borders, cultural differences, and historical conflicts when they created new boundaries.

The Europeans created new trade barriers between Africa and Europe, which caused the African economy to decline.

Some African countries were represented at the conference, which caused other African countries to resent them.

Some Asian countries participated in the conference, leading to violent cultural clashes between colonizing powers.

A. The Europeans ignored existing borders, cultural differences, and historical conflicts when they created new boundaries.

The correct answer is A. The Berlin Conference caused conflict and hardship throughout Africa by ignoring existing borders, cultural differences, and historical conflicts when European countries created new boundaries. This led to the division of Africa into arbitrary territories, disregarding the ethnic, linguistic, and cultural groups. It resulted in clashes between different tribal groups and forced rival groups to share the same colony, leading to resentment and tensions. This division also disrupted preexisting trade routes and economic systems, which further exacerbated the hardships faced by African countries. Option B is incorrect, as the decline of the African economy was a consequence of colonization, not directly caused by the Berlin Conference. Option C is not accurate because the presence of some African countries at the conference did not cause resentment among other African countries. Option D is also incorrect, as the Berlin Conference primarily focused on Africa and did not include active participation from Asian countries.

Option A. The Europeans ignored existing borders, cultural differences, and historical conflicts when they created new boundaries.