Me: It's just a crush, no big deal.

Also Me: *check their likes, follows, recent posts, tags, and horoscope*

It seems like you're feeling conflicted about whether your crush is a big deal or not. While it's natural to be curious about someone you're interested in, it's important to strike a balance and not let it consume your thoughts completely. However, if you find yourself constantly checking their social media profiles or searching for information, here are some steps you can take to gain a better perspective:

1. Reflect on your feelings: Ask yourself why this crush is important to you. Is it because you genuinely like their personality, or are there other factors influencing your interest? Understanding your motivations can help you gain clarity.

2. Communication is key: Instead of relying solely on social media, try having actual conversations with your crush. Engage in discussions and get to know them on a personal level. This will give you a better sense of who they are beyond their online presence.

3. Focus on yourself: Remember that your worth isn't determined by someone else's approval or attention. Take time to invest in your own personal growth, hobbies, and interests. Building a strong sense of self can help you maintain a healthy perspective when it comes to crushes.

4. Be mindful of potential obsessions: If you find yourself obsessively checking their social media or stalking their online activity, it might be beneficial to take a step back and evaluate your behavior. Obsessive behavior can sometimes be a sign of deeper emotional or psychological concerns, so it's important to prioritize your well-being.

Ultimately, remember that crushes are a normal part of life, but it's important not to let them overwhelm you or dictate your emotions. Learning to strike a balance between curiosity and maintaining your own happiness is key.