Which barrier to trade blocks all trade between nations?

an embargo

a tariff

a quota

a sanction

The correct answer is embargo

thx @Name :)

The correct answer is A. an embargo.

An embargo is a barrier to trade that is imposed by a country or a group of countries to prohibit or restrict trade with another country. It is a severe measure that involves a complete halt to any economic or trade activities between nations. Embargoes are usually imposed for political, economic, or security reasons and can be implemented through various means, such as prohibiting imports or exports, cutting off financial transactions, or restricting travel and transportation. As a result, an embargo effectively blocks all trade and investments between the nations involved.

To arrive at this answer, one approach is to understand the definitions and characteristics of each option and then identify the one that aligns with the description provided. In this case, by knowing that an embargo is a complete blockage of trade between nations, we can confidently select option A as the correct answer.

Please note that tariffs, quotas, and sanctions are also barriers to trade, but they do not completely block all trade like an embargo does. Tariffs are taxes imposed on imported goods, quotas restrict the quantity of goods that can be imported or exported, and sanctions involve imposing penalties or restrictions on a specific country due to violations of international law or other reasons.

D. a sanction