Which is an example of how the physical environment helped the Aztecs establish an empire

A. the city capital of tenochtitlan could be easily defended from attack
B. The active volcanoes kept neighbouring peoples from attacking the Aztecs.
C. the capital city of tenochtitlan was located in the dense rainforest
D. The Aztecs lived on a flat plain that was perfect for warfare.

Which of these were among the lowest class in Aztec society
A. military leaders.
B. traders and farmers
C. prisoners of war.
D. Nobles and priests

why did the Aztecs sacrifice prisoners of war to the God Huitzilopochti

A. To keep volcanoes from erupted.
B. to keep neighbouring people from invading.
C. To keep slaves from revolting.
D. To keep God from growing weak.

How did the Aztecs share their history from generation to generation?
A. They use Hieroglyphs to write history
B. They told stories of the past.
C. They used quipu to record information.
D. The carved images in stone

what was an achievement of the Aztecs?

A. utilizing a well developed writing system
B. Developing the numeral 0
C. the use of an aqueduct
D. developing the first calendar


i got a 100%!


someone help pleasee

For the first question about how the physical environment helped the Aztecs establish an empire, the answer is A. the city capital of Tenochtitlan could be easily defended from attack. The explanation for this is that Tenochtitlan was built on an island in the middle of Lake Texcoco. Its strategic location made it difficult for attackers to reach the city, as they would have to cross the lake and navigate through causeways with bridges that could be easily raised or destroyed. This natural defense system provided the Aztecs with a significant advantage in establishing and maintaining their empire.

For the second question about the lowest class in Aztec society, the answer is C. prisoners of war. The explanation is that in Aztec society, prisoners of war were often enslaved and considered to be at the bottom of the social hierarchy. They were often used for human sacrifice and performed arduous labor.

Regarding the question about why the Aztecs sacrificed prisoners of war to the God Huitzilopochtli, the answer is D. to keep God from growing weak. The explanation for this is that the Aztecs believed that the continuous sacrifice of human blood was necessary to sustain the existence of the universe and prevent the sun from extinguishing. Huitzilopochtli, as the Aztec god of sun and war, required these sacrifices to keep him strong and ensure the well-being of their society.

Regarding the way the Aztecs shared their history from generation to generation, the answer is B. They told stories of the past. The explanation for this is that the Aztecs relied heavily on oral tradition to pass down their history. They used storytelling as a means of preserving and transmitting knowledge, including historical events, myths, and religious beliefs.

Lastly, for the achievement of the Aztecs, the answer is B. Developing the numeral 0. The explanation is that the Aztecs made significant advancements in mathematics and created a positional numeral system, which included the concept of zero. This mathematical innovation had a profound impact on future civilizations and greatly influenced the development of mathematics as we know it today.