Read this sentence from paragraph 5.

Surely, sending humans to Mars would result in additional valuable inventions.

Select the TWO sentences from the text that best support this statement.

Examples of products that have been invented or improved as a result of space-related research and development include food safety systems, software, portable cordless vacuums, suits worn by firefighters, LEDs, and artificial limbs.

This mission would be different from others because of the extended length of time astronauts would need to stay in outer space.

Figuring out how to keep them healthy could lead to important medical breakthroughs.

Advancements in this area could help us tackle our waste problem here on Earth.

Nobody can predict with absolute certainty what the spin-off benefits of a human mission to Mars might be.

That doesn’t, however, rule out the possibility that scientists will discover or develop something revolutionary.

The TWO sentences that best support the statement are A and F.