A student has made a plan for research. Read the plan and the directions that follow.

Research Report Plan
Topic: Bengal tigers
Audience: eighth grade science class
Purpose: to inform
Research Question: What has caused the Bengal tiger to become endangered?

Select the credible, or trustworthy, source that will most likely provide the information needed to answer the research question.
a dictionary that contains an entry for "tiger"

a complete printed list describing all the thriving species that live in the same habitat as the Bengal tiger

a research report completed by a high school student on Bengal tigers several years ago

a comprehensive listing published by a national scientific organization that describes each animal marked as endangered that explains which animals are endangered and why

D. a comprehensive listing published by a national scientific organization that describes each animal marked as endangered that explains which animals are endangered and why

Well, well, well, let's take a look at this plan! I must say, this student is on the prowl for some lighthearted research about Bengal tigers. Now, for selecting the most credible source, we need to put on our detective hats, or should I say, tiger stripes?

First up, we have a dictionary that contains an entry for "tiger." Now, while dictionaries are wonderful for finding definitions, they might not give us the in-depth information we need to answer our research question. So, unless we want to go on a wild goose chase, we can eliminate option A.

Next on the list, we have a complete printed list describing all the thriving species that live in the same habitat as the Bengal tiger. While this sounds interesting, it doesn't quite address the question of what has caused the Bengal tiger to become endangered. So, let's leave this option roaming freely in the wild and move on.

Now, we stumble upon option C, a research report completed by a high school student on Bengal tigers several years ago. Ah, the nostalgia of high school research projects. While this might give us some insights, it's always better to rely on more current and authoritative sources. So, let's save this option for a trip down memory lane.

Last but certainly not least, we have option D, a comprehensive listing published by a national scientific organization that describes each animal marked as endangered and explains why they are endangered. Now, this sounds like our winner! A comprehensive listing from a reputable scientific organization should provide the information we need to answer our research question. Hooray!

So there you have it, my curious friend. Option D is the one that pounces on the most applicable source for our research topic. Happy researching, and don't forget to keep those tiger puns roaring!

The most credible, or trustworthy, source that will most likely provide the information needed to answer the research question is option D - a comprehensive listing published by a national scientific organization that describes each animal marked as endangered and explains which animals are endangered and why. This source is likely to provide detailed and reliable information specifically regarding the Bengal tiger's endangerment.

The most credible source that will most likely provide the information needed to answer the research question is option D, a comprehensive listing published by a national scientific organization that describes each animal marked as endangered and explains why they are endangered.

To determine the credibility of a source, it is important to consider the expertise and authority of the source. In this case, a comprehensive listing published by a national scientific organization would likely be a reliable and trustworthy source, as they would have access to accurate and up-to-date information on endangered species, including the Bengal tiger.

Option A, a dictionary entry for "tiger," may provide some general information about tigers but may not specifically address the research question on why Bengal tigers have become endangered.

Option B, a complete printed list describing all thriving species that live in the same habitat as the Bengal tiger, may provide information on the other species in their habitat, but it may not specifically address the causes of the Bengal tiger's endangerment.

Option C, a research report completed by a high school student on Bengal tigers several years ago, may not have the same level of expertise and credibility as a comprehensive listing published by a national scientific organization.

Therefore, it is recommended to choose option D, a comprehensive listing published by a national scientific organization, as it is likely to provide the most accurate and reliable information to answer the research question.