Use the following model.

1.How many cubes are in the base of the model?
2.How many cubes would be shown in the right view of the model?
3.Which of the following is the top view of the model?
4.Which view allows you to see the top front and right sides of the model?
5.How many total blocks would be needed to build the model of the given base plan?

1.There are 8 cubes in the base of the model.

2.There would be 6 cubes shown in the right view of the model.
3.The top view of the model is shown in the diagram below.
4.The isometric view allows you to see the top front and right sides of the model.
5.A total of 24 blocks would be needed to build the model of the given base plan.

1. B - 4

2. D - 4
3. A - 4 blocks
4. D - isometric
5. B - 11

Thanks Taco! ^^

used it to check my answers and i was right!

I put question 1 as 11 because I thought it told me to count how many cubes were shown but I’m so glad I checked my answers with this


To answer these questions about the model, we need to analyze the given information and use visual reasoning. Here is a step-by-step explanation of how to find the answers:

1. How many cubes are in the base of the model?
To determine the number of cubes in the base, we can count the cubes in the given base plan. Look at the model and count the number of cubes in the bottom layer. This will give you the total number of cubes in the base.

2. How many cubes would be shown in the right view of the model?
To find the number of cubes shown in the right view, we need to consider the perspective from the right side of the model. Count the cubes that would be visible from the right side, excluding any hidden cubes.

3. Which of the following is the top view of the model?
To identify the top view, compare the given options with the model. Look for the view that shows the top surface of the model. It should display the arrangement and shape of the cubes as seen from above.

4. Which view allows you to see the top, front, and right sides of the model?
The view that allows you to see the top, front, and right sides of the model is called the "isometric view." It shows the 3D model from an angle that includes these three sides.

5. How many total blocks would be needed to build the model of the given base plan?
To calculate the total number of blocks needed to build the model, we need to count all the cubes present in the given base plan, including those in the base and any additional layers or structures as specified. Add up the cubes for each layer to find the total number of blocks required.

By following these steps and using visual analysis, you should be able to answer the questions about the given model.