What is denotation?(1 point)


the feeling or idea that a word suggests
the feeling or idea that a word suggests

a direct comparison that does not use like or as
a direct comparison that does not use , like, or , as

words and phrases that have a meaning different from their literal meaning
words and phrases that have a meaning different from their literal meaning

the literal meaning of a word
the literal meaning of a word

What is denotation? It's like when you call a cat "meow-sical" instead of just saying it's musical. It's not just the feeling or idea that a word suggests, but also the literal meaning of a word.

Denotation refers to the literal meaning of a word.

The correct answer is: the literal meaning of a word.

To determine the correct answer, we can break down the options and analyze each one:

1. "The feeling or idea that a word suggests": This option describes the connotation of a word rather than its denotation. Connotation refers to the emotions, associations, or cultural meanings that a word may carry.

2. "A direct comparison that does not use like or as": This option describes a metaphor, which is a figure of speech that compares two unrelated things without using the words "like" or "as."

3. "Words and phrases that have a meaning different from their literal meaning": This option describes figurative language, such as idioms, similes, metaphors, or hyperboles. These expressions use words in a non-literal or symbolic way.

4. "The literal meaning of a word": This option correctly defines denotation. It refers to the explicit or dictionary definition of a word, without considering its emotional or figurative associations.

By understanding the meaning of each option and comparing it to the definition of denotation, we can identify the correct answer.