Every student in the journalism class has been asked to come up with own idea for a new fad.

Identify the choice that correctly completes sentence
O their
O his
O his or her
O they're

The correct choice to complete the sentence would be "his or her."

To identify the correct choice, let's break down the sentence:

"Every student in the journalism class has been asked to come up with [his or her] own idea for a new fad."

In this sentence, we need a possessive pronoun to indicate that each student is responsible for their own idea. The options are:

- "O their": This is incorrect because it is a plural pronoun and does not match the singular subject "every student."
- "O his": This is incorrect because it assumes that all the students are male.
- "O his or her": This is the correct choice as it uses the gender-neutral pronoun "his or her" to cover both male and female students. It is a commonly used option when the gender is unknown or when referring to a mixed group of individuals.
- "O they're": This is incorrect because it is a contraction of "they are" and does not fit the context of showing individual possession.

Therefore, the correct choice to complete the sentence is "his or her."