Which reservoir has the largest deposit of carbon?

plant biomass
rocks and sediment

What do plants use for energy?

What do animals such as clams and oysters extract from the water to build their shells?

Why does Earth have a lower amount of carbon in the atmosphere than planets such as Venus and Mars?

Most of Earth’s carbon can be found in the proteins and lipids of organisms
The carbon escapes Earth’s atmosphere faster than it is being absorbed
Plants take in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere for photosynthesis
Carbon is released into the air during plant decomposition

If the input and output of carbon is balanced in the carbon cycle, what can be generalized about the resident times of carbon in organisms?(1 point)

The resident time will depend on where the organism lives because it might be influenced by cellular respiration

The resident time would be zero because carbon is released as soon as it is absorbed

The resident time will decrease because plants will be taking in carbon dioxide to use for photosynthesis

The resident time will increase because there will be a buildup of carbon in the atmosphere

and organisms

The correct answer is: The resident time will depend on where the organism lives because it might be influenced by cellular respiration.

Which reservoir has the largest deposit of carbon?

The correct answer is "rocks and sediment." To determine this, we need to understand the different reservoirs in which carbon is stored. The Earth's carbon is primarily stored in four major reservoirs: the atmosphere, plant biomass, oceans, and rocks/sediment. Each of these reservoirs holds a significant amount of carbon, but when considering the largest deposit, it is the rocks and sediment reservoir.

What do plants use for energy?
Plants use light as an energy source. To determine this, we need to understand the process of photosynthesis. During photosynthesis, plants use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to produce glucose (a sugar) and oxygen. Glucose is then used as a source of energy to fuel various cellular processes within the plant.

What do animals such as clams and oysters extract from the water to build their shells?
Animals like clams and oysters extract calcium from the water to build their shells. To determine this, we need to understand the composition of their shells. The shells of clams and oysters are primarily made up of calcium carbonate, which is obtained from the surrounding water. These animals filter the water, extracting the necessary calcium ions to form and maintain their shells.

Why does Earth have a lower amount of carbon in the atmosphere than planets such as Venus and Mars?
The correct answer is "Plants take in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere for photosynthesis." To determine this, we need to compare the carbon cycling processes on Earth, Venus, and Mars. On Earth, plants play a crucial role in absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during photosynthesis. This process leads to a lower amount of carbon in the Earth's atmosphere compared to Venus and Mars. In contrast, Venus has a dense carbon dioxide atmosphere due to its runaway greenhouse effect, while Mars has a thinner atmosphere with a lower amount of carbon.

If the input and output of carbon are balanced in the carbon cycle, what can be generalized about the residence times of carbon in organisms?

The correct answer is "The residence time will depend on where the organism lives because it might be influenced by cellular respiration." To determine this, we need to understand the concept of residence time in the carbon cycle. Residence time refers to the average amount of time carbon spends in a specific reservoir or organism before being transferred elsewhere. When the input and output of carbon are balanced, it means that the carbon is cycling through different reservoirs without a net accumulation or depletion. However, the residence time of carbon in organisms can vary depending on factors such as cellular respiration, which influences how quickly carbon is released back into the atmosphere or other reservoirs. Therefore, the residence time would depend on the organism's location and its specific metabolic processes.