How does figurative language, rhythm, and rhyme contribute to poetry?(1 point)


It helps draw out emotion.
It helps draw out emotion.

It helps teach about the world.
It helps teach about the world.

It helps connect people to their history.
It helps connect people to their history.

It helps build motor skills.
It helps build motor skills.

Figurative language, rhythm, and rhyme contribute to poetry in several ways. Here's how you can explain it to understand it better:

1. Figurative language: Figurative language includes metaphors, similes, personification, and other literary devices that go beyond the literal meaning of words. It helps draw out emotion by creating vivid images and engaging the reader's imagination. For example, the metaphor "the world is a stage" evokes a sense of the dramatic and can evoke different emotions in the reader.

2. Rhythm: Rhythm refers to the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in a poem, which creates a musical quality. It helps draw out emotion by establishing a certain pace or tone. Different rhythms can convey different moods. For instance, a fast, energetic rhythm can evoke excitement or joy, while a slow, steady rhythm can convey calmness or sadness.

3. Rhyme: Rhyme is the repetition of similar sounds, typically at the end of lines in a poem. It helps draw out emotion by adding a musical quality and creating a sense of harmony. Rhyme can also create a sense of closure or resolution at the end of a stanza or poem. Additionally, rhyme can make the poem more memorable and easier to recite.

Remember, these are just a few ways in which figurative language, rhythm, and rhyme contribute to poetry. Poetry is a diverse and rich art form that can have various effects on the reader, and these elements all play a part in creating that experience.