Use the paragraph to answer the question.

Jacques joined a group of men carrying boxes and barrels up the gangway to the ship's main deck. The thick smells and earsplitting noises nearly made Jacques lose his balance. The deck of the Orion was like a small marketplace full of shouting men working and cleaning, and bellowing, frightened animals.

Which sentence best summarizes this paragraph?

2 points
Jacques was startled by the loud noises on the deck.
Jacques was strong enough to help carry boxes.
Jacques joined a group of men.
Jacques carried boxes onto the chaotic deck.

I’m gonna try my best to help.

Idk that one but it’s NOT! “Jacques was startled by the loud noises on the deck”!
2 is Jeorge is reliable
3 is the farmer did not act fairly towards the horse.
4 is Jacques joined the crew of Orias
I got 5 wrong so it’s not an analysis
I got 6 wrong so it’s not it is universal
Big problems seem smaller with help
It’s not the spelling bee is sams favorites event of the year
The horse feels sad abt his current situation is correct.
And Trishna is compared to a night owl to show that they both can stay awake all night long is correct.
I hope this helps someone