Consider the supply of the economy given by s=100+200w

Whereby w is the wage rate after tax and 250000 is is the minimum wage rate before tax.
a) as a tax policy analyst, set up a tax revenue function to help you in this analysis
b) sketch a diagram with tax rate on the horizontal axis and tax revenue on the vertical axis.
c) suppose that government imposes tax rate of 70%, what advice would you give?
d) at what tax rate revenues are maximized in this imaginary Tanzania economy?

a) The tax revenue function is given by: Tax Revenue = Tax Rate x (100 + 200w - 250000).

b) The diagram is shown below:

Tax Rate | Tax Revenue
0 | 0
70 | -17500000

c) The advice would be to reduce the tax rate to a level that is more reasonable and will generate positive tax revenue.

d) The tax rate that maximizes revenue in this imaginary Tanzania economy is 0%. At this rate, the tax revenue is 0.