Which describes an impermeable rock where oil and natural gas deposits are found?(1 point)


It has pores large enough to allow absorption.
It has pores large enough to allow absorption.

It is made up of porous materials.
It is made up of porous materials.

It traps the deposits inside them.
It traps the deposits inside them.

It only allows certain materials to pass through.
Plzzz answer quickly and correctly

It only allows certain materials to pass through.

bruh annswers pls?

The correct answer is: "It traps the deposits inside them."

The correct option is: It traps the deposits inside them.

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the concept of impermeable rocks in relation to oil and natural gas deposits.

Impermeable rocks, also known as seal rocks or cap rocks, are dense and have low permeability, meaning they have limited or no ability to allow fluids (such as oil and natural gas) to flow through them. As a result, these rocks act as a barrier, effectively trapping the oil and gas deposits within them.

Options 1 and 2 are incorrect because impermeable rocks do not have pores large enough to allow absorption. Permeable rocks, on the other hand, do have larger pores and can absorb fluids.

Option 4 is also incorrect because impermeable rocks do not selectively allow only certain materials to pass through. Impermeable rocks, by definition, restrict the flow of fluids.

Therefore, the correct option is that impermeable rocks trap the deposits inside them, preventing the oil and gas from freely migrating.