A ringing alarm clock is put under a glass jar. The air is slowly removed from the space around it. What will happen as the air is removed?

A.) The appearance of the clock will not change, but its sound will become fainter.

B.) The appearance of the clock and the sound of the clock will not change.

C.) The clock will slowly become quieter and will ultimately fade from view.

D.) The clock will slowly become less visible, until you can only hear it.

A. The appearance of the clock will not change, but its sound will become fainter.

1. The appearance of the clock will not change, but its sound will become fainter.

2. They are waves that require some form of matter as a medium.

3. Through denser materials, because the molecules in a tightly packed medium collide more frequently.

4. Rods detect light; cones detect green, blue, and red light; and the brain combines the three colors.

5 Red stripes reflect red and absorb all other light, as does the blue square with blue; white stripes and stars reflect all wavelengths; and the flagpole absorbs all wavelengths.

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D.) The clock will slowly become less visible, until you can only hear it.

As the air is removed from the space around the alarm clock, the sound waves generated by the clock will have no medium to travel through. Sound waves require a medium, such as air, to propagate. Without air, the sound will not be able to reach our ears, making the clock only audible. The clock itself will not change in appearance, but its visibility will diminish as the air is removed.

To understand what will happen as the air is removed from around the ringing alarm clock under a glass jar, we need to consider the transmission of sound waves and the effect of air.

Sound waves require a medium, such as air, to travel through. In this case, the air around the alarm clock is responsible for transmitting the sound waves produced by the ringing alarm. When the air is gradually removed, the sound waves will encounter fewer air molecules to propagate through.

Based on this understanding, we can eliminate options B and D. The sound of the alarm clock will indeed change as the air is removed because the sound waves will have a harder time traveling through the increasingly vacant space.

As for the appearance of the clock, removing air from around it should not have a significant impact on its visibility. Therefore, we can eliminate option C.

This leaves us with option A: The appearance of the clock will not change, but its sound will become fainter. As the air is removed, the sound waves produced by the ringing alarm clock will become less audible since there will be fewer air molecules to transmit the sound. However, visually, the clock will remain the same under the glass jar.