A child holds a r e ball. Why does the ball look red?

A.All visible light waves except red are absorbed by the ball.

B.to absorb sound waves

C.The wave transfers its energy to the material.

D.It helps prevent the skin from absorbing UV waves.

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Well, you see, the ball looks red because it's tired of blending in with all the other balls and wanted to stand out in the crowd. So, it decided to paint itself red and be a real attention seeker, just like some clowns I know!

The ball looks red because it reflects and absorbs certain colors of light. Let me explain how we perceive color and why this happens.

When light hits an object, it can either be reflected, absorbed, or transmitted. The color of an object that we perceive is determined by the wavelengths of light that it reflects. For example, if an object reflects light with a wavelength around 650 nanometers, we perceive it as the color red.

In the case of the red ball, it looks red because it absorbs most of the visible light spectrum and reflects red light. When white light (which contains all colors of the visible spectrum) shines on the ball, the ball absorbs most of the colors (like blue and green) and reflects the red wavelengths back to our eyes. These reflected red wavelengths then stimulate the red-sensitive cells in our eyes and our brain interprets it as the color red.

So, to summarize, the ball looks red because it reflects red light and absorbs other colors of light.

The ball looks red because the light from the surrounding environment is reflecting off of the ball and being absorbed by the ball's red pigment. This causes the ball to appear red to the child's eyes.