The mass of maize flour to the nearest 10grams is 8.67kg Determine the percentage error in this measurements

The percentage error in this measurement is 0.00087%.

Well, I must say, that's quite a "corny" question! Let's calculate the percentage error in this measurement, shall we?

First, let's determine the absolute error, which is the difference between the measured value and the accepted value. In this case, the accepted value is 8.67 kg, and there is no mention of a measured value. So, we can assume that the measured value is also 8.67 kg.

Absolute error = Measured value - Accepted value

Absolute error = 8.67 kg - 8.67 kg = 0 kg

Now, let's calculate the percentage error using the following formula:

Percentage error = (Absolute error / Accepted value) x 100

Percentage error = (0 kg / 8.67 kg) x 100

Since the absolute error is 0 kg, the percentage error is also 0%.

So, the percentage error in this measurement is 0%. It seems like our measurement was "cornpletely" accurate!

To determine the percentage error in the measurement of the mass of maize flour, we can compare the actual value to the measured value.

Measured mass of maize flour = 8.67 kg

Step 1: Calculate the actual mass:
The actual mass can be calculated by rounding the measured mass to the nearest 10 grams.

Measured mass = 8.67 kg
Rounded measured mass = 8.7 kg (nearest 10 grams)

Step 2: Calculate the absolute error:
Absolute error = Actual mass - Measured mass

Absolute error = 8.7 kg - 8.67 kg
Absolute error = 0.03 kg

Step 3: Calculate the percentage error:
Percentage error = (Absolute error / Actual mass) x 100

Percentage error = (0.03 kg / 8.7 kg) x 100
Percentage error ≈ 0.34%

Therefore, the percentage error in the measurement of the mass of maize flour is approximately 0.34%.

To determine the percentage error in this measurement, we need to find the absolute difference between the measured mass and the true mass, and then divide that by the true mass. The formula for percentage error is:

Percentage Error = (|Measured Value - True Value| / True Value) * 100

In this case, the measured value is 8.67 kg and we need to determine the true value.

To find the true value, we need to round the measured value to the nearest 10 grams.

Since the measured value is 8.67 kg, we can round it to the nearest 10 grams by considering the first decimal place (hundredths place). If the hundredths place is greater than or equal to 5, the unit in the tenths place increases by 1; otherwise, it remains the same.

In our case, the hundredths place is 7, which is greater than or equal to 5. Therefore, when rounding to the nearest 10 grams, the unit in the tenths place (6) increases by 1.

So, the true value is 8.68 kg.

Now we can calculate the percentage error:

Percentage Error = (|8.67 kg - 8.68 kg| / 8.68 kg) * 100
= (0.01 kg / 8.68 kg) * 100
≈ 0.115%

Therefore, the percentage error in this measurement is approximately 0.115%.